I understand that a valid and reliable instrument that science uses should be able to measure what it wants to measure at several times resulting the same way. I was dubious about the Enneagram test from the first time I heard of it.
I first heard of it from my mom, who answered the instrument in a retreat she attended. Then, I heard of it again from my PhD classmates, who took the test from one their professors. My doubt arose from my precept that no test could really determine a person's typology when in fact people change and no one person is the same with another, in thinking and behavior.
Curious, I tried taking an online test two years ago. Then I tried it again last night. In the first test, I was a type 9 with combination of type 2. The next test resulted to identify me as type 9, with even tendencies 1, 2 and 7. As to telling something the same way about me, at two tries, for me the instrument is reliable. I am not in the capacity to judge the test validity because I am not an expert in psychology.
The type 9 personality is a peacemaker, the crown of the nine points in the Enneagram, but of course it has drawbacks of complacency and stubbornness. Reading, from the descriptions I could relate to many things that the descriptions tell about me. I could even see my personality at level 1 of type 9. As compared to other types, I the descriptions tell that I have less problems than with other types.
I do like to be at peace with everyone and anyone. I am a good mediator because of my academic background in communication. I believe in the unity of the body, mind and spirit to make a person whole. I have high regard for introspection, reflection and equanimity in everything. I am open to others and other's ideas. I am assertive, but I know where my limitations are. I should feel good with the results, because my type is the same of great men in the world.
However, as it is true in dialectics, there are always two faces of a coin. In defense of the rich ancient narrative of the Enneagram, those promoting the said typology of personality types of course says it best to sell the idea to the public. On the otherside of the fence, critics argue of its dubious presentations of its history and authenticity as to describing the complex human personality.
Realizing these, I understand that my personality is not a product of the 'divine' properties that Enneagram teaches. Rather, it was simply able to describe me fittingly. The test must have been carefully crafted upon several studies and analysis. What is dissonant in my belief is that these personality types have been set by mystical powers, with inconclusive historical background.