Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Christmas Wish to Grow More in Faith

What present do you want for Christmas? When I asked my nephews this question, the older one had a sure answer, while another leaves it up to me. So I somehow I found myself in trouble of whether to give that sure child what he wanted.

My nephew wanted a magic kit, that box with several tools that can make him do some tricks. The price of which ranges from 300 to 2700. As an adult I am now in the position to make a little child happy, contrary to when I was young.

Christmas in my childhood just passes like one happy day because I could attend party that adults from our neighborhood organized for all the children there. I did visit my ninongs and ninangs, and they would have presents for me.

As far as I can remember, I never really had any Christmas wish, back when I was still a kid. No one would really ask me what Christmas present do I want. Except for my aunt and my eldest sister who would take me to the department store and buy gifts, hardly would I receive a Christmas present.

That was the past, now I am at least financially able to support my family, pay for my schooling and spend some nights out. I am now in the position of giving presents and making the kids in my family happy. I may not be able to make all their wishes for Christmas come true, but at least in my little way I can share that joy of Christmas.

My wish for Christmas goes for everyone. Good health, financial strength, understanding, peace, compassion and above all love. As for myself, all I wish is the security that comes from faith in the Lord, with that everything else will suffice.

I have no need for any material thing, because all those that I would need physically can be dealt with the wage of my labor. I am happy and blessed with a family that is full of love and concern, so I have no desire to look for that love somewhere else. I am blessed with a wonderful community I work with, although there are some hardships I can surely overcome.

More than that what people can sees of me, I share with them a deep sense of spirituality. That I can not brag about, or shout to the world, but that is just something between me and my God - a personal relation of sort. Hence, the manifestations and demonstration of faith is so essential to complete me. So I wish that in the Lord's compassion he draws me more to be faithful.

My wish for security in faith is not because I am insecure. But it is anxiety that troubles me. With security that comes from within me in Christ, I am safe and at peace. When I have peace, I can have joy, when I have joy I can love. When I love I can do all things in the most excellent way. When I am excellent in everything, I can humbly say that I did not do it alone for God is with me through out.

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